Friday, September 28, 2012

Datahouse Cloud Backup: Most Cyber Security Data Breaches are Inside Jobs

While it’s true that hacker collectives like “Anonymous” dominate the media with their high-profile data breaches, it turns out that a breach is three times more likely to be an inside job perpetrated by a company’s own employee. This helps to explain why software developers and systems integrators are beginning to realize the value in making sure that their partners and end-users are protecting their data properly. Properly meaning, by having not only a protected local copy of system data, but more importantly an offsite Datahouse cloud backup copy to access in the event of a disaster. 

According to new research from Forrester, only 25% of data breach cases are the work of external attackers. That leaves a whopping 75% coming from inside the company. Of these, 12% were breached with ill intent according to Forrester. 63% of the issues were caused by something more mundane, like losing or misplacing corporate assets the report found.

Most small to medium sized businesses do not think about the importance of their data until they have a disaster or hardware failure. It is often a piece of the puzzle that is never taken seriously.

Not only is it important for data to be properly protected, meeting government regulatory requirements for their industry is just as important. Acts Regulatory requirements like such as: Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) are just a few that require data protection.

Most efficient business owners are beginning to demand managed online backup solutions and partners that offer the very latest in technology and benefits. According to the experts over at Datahouse Cloud Backup, the majority of their clients are seeking benefits like:

  • Agent-less Interaction resulting in safer, easier to maintain and painless backups.
  • Free software and no charge for maintenance fees.
  • Data de-duplication and Compression prior to being sent offsite (minimizes the data stored and transmitted).
  • Only being charged for the data that they store.
  • A data center that is SAS70 Type II Certified with all data being encrypted in transit and at rest.
  • Restores that are available at any time with no limits and no charges.
  • A partner who will personally work with you to setup and verify that your backups work and you are protecting the data that is important to your business. This includes someone that picks up the phone when you need help restoring lost or corrupted data.

Thanks partially to media monitoring and reporting of events, there’s been a recent explosion in the number of companies seeking to strengthen their data recovery plan. Datahouse Cloud Backup is looking for resellers and partners interested in 
offering their Asigra powered system to their users. The company will not only work with software resellers and technical support companies by helping them deliver a hybrid cloud backup and recovery solution to their customers, but their program also gives resellers a way to generate monthly recurring revenue.

Companies or individuals interested in becoming a reseller should contact 205-972-9270 or visit the company’s website at

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